Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Brookdale, Felton, Scotts Valley
Welcome New and Returning Members!
Joining the Democratic Club of North Santa Cruz County is a great way to connect with other Democrats who are working to make a difference in our community, state, and country.
Membership also entitles you to vote on club actions and in our endorsement forums.
To join or renew, please fill out the form below and pay the $20 annual dues. Dues are annual. They are due July 1st and expire on June 30th.
You must be a registered Democrat to join.
Please provide the same name with which you are registered to vote.
You do not need to live in North Santa Cruz County to join. While some of our activities are specific to North County, we often share and support the activities of Democrats in other parts of the county, state, and nation. If you find this group to be a good fit, we appreciate your support.
Why do we need your birthday? The DCNSCC is a chartered club of the Santa Cruz Democratic Party. To participate in regional decision making, it is sometimes necessary to provide the California Democratic Party lists of members that include your birthday for the purposes of verifying that all club members are registered Democrats. You can join without providing this information, but we would prefer you include it.
None of this information will be sold to anyone.
If you prefer to pay by check you can also provide us with the information below and mail a check payable to DCNSCC to P.O. Box 3001, Ben Lomond, CA 95005