Ben Lomond, Boulder Creek, Brookdale, Felton, Scotts Valley
August Meeting
Tue, Aug 04
|DCNSCC July Meeting
Join us at our August Monthly Meeting!

Time & Location
Aug 04, 2020, 6:30 PM – 10:30 PM
DCNSCC July Meeting
About the event
Our guest speaker for the August meeting, Pam Newbury, will inform us on Prop 15 – Tax on Commercial and Industrial Properties for Education and Local Government Funding Initiative. Prop 15 is a constitutional amendment that makes changes to Prop 13, similar to a proposition was defeated two years ago. Also at the August meeting, Glenn Glazer will update us on developments concerning P G and E, an ongoing topic club members have had an interest in.
Zoom Meeting Link & Information
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85336311513?pwd=bWtGNGlrbHhlTW1hTHliZ3l3OEgy QT09
Meeting ID: 853 3631 1513 Passcode: 538587 One tap mobile +16699006833,,85336311513#,,,,,,0#,,538587# US (San Jose) +13462487799,,85336311513#,,,,,,0#,,538587# US (Houston)
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Meeting ID: 853 3631 1513 Passcode: 538587