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Upcoming Events

Please see the calendar below for more upcoming events. 

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Clicking on the calendar items will provide additional, detailed, information. 

ENDORSEMENT FORUM regarding Candidates 

(Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 p.m. via Zoom)


The Democratic Club of North Santa Cruz County is a chartered club of the Democratic Central Committee of Santa Cruz County (that is, the Santa Cruz Democratic Party). As such, we work to organize resources to support good policy and Democratic candidates who embody the values of the Democratic Party. But which policies and what candidates should we support? If you are a member of the Club in good standing, you get to help decide!    


On September 17th we will hold an endorsement forum to decide what positions the Club should take on local Democratic candidates that will be on the November ballot. 


Please do the homework!

We will hear very brief presentations from candidates with time for a few questions. However, it is unlikely that this will be sufficient information or time to make an informed decision, so we ask that you study the responses candidates provide to questionnaires in advance of the endorsement forum. These will be emailed to members in advance of the meeting.


The September 17ht meeting will be virtual and will start at 6:30 p.m. Stay tuned for the Zoom information! 


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID:        826 6436 8661

Passcode:          834981


Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)


Meetings are free and open to the public, but the board reserves the right to remove anyone who is a disturbance or will not conduct themselves in a respectful manner that allows for civilized civic engagement.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions by writing us at 

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